Total Sale - $37,296.00
Average - $1,286.07
Animals - 29
High Selling Ewe Lamb - PJJ Josie 2J $1,725 Consigned by: Paige Govan (The Govan Ranch) - Purchaser - Devin Harlick & Tavis Schroeder
High Selling Ram Lamb - Struck J 21J $3,800 Consigned by: Struck Farms - Purchaser - Darrell Fehr
High Selling Commercial Pens (Pen of 3) $1,290- Consigned by: Bare Hills Dorsets - Purchaser Eric Millen
Lot 1
Consigned by: Paige Govan
Sold for $1725
Struck Farms is located in Central Saskatchewan. We raise purebred Suffolk, Canadian Arcott, Dorset, and commercial sheep. All sheep in the sale of Struck Farms have received both doses of glanvac and have been dewormed with safeguard.
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Furze Farms is located in Southeast Saskatchewan and raises Purebred Dorset and Suffolk as well as commercial sheep. All sheep in the sale of Furze Farms have received both doses of Covexin Plus and have been dewormed with Valbazen.
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Ward Suffolks is a flock of 100 Purebred and Commercial Suffolk Ewes located at Saltcoats, SK. Lois Trowell succeeded her father, Ward Mortenson, in 2004 and continues to produce high-quality Suffolk Rams and Ewes. All Ward Suffolk sheep in the sale have been vaccinated twice with Covexin Plus and dewormed with Safeguard.
Bare Hills Dorsets has been breeding quality Purebred and Commercial sheep since 1977. Ewes and rams are selected for prolificacy, growth and structural correctness. They have been tested for OPP, Johnes, and Border disease through the SK Flock Health Surveillance Program. Ewe lambs in the sale have been vaccinated with Glanvac and dewormed with Safeguard.
Haynestock Farms is located near Ituna, SK raising purebred and commercial Canadian Arcott sheep. Emphasis is put on selecting structurally correct animals with strong carcass quality, high rate of gains, as well as quality feeding, to maximize/realize genetic potential. All animals are vaccinated with Glanvac 6, dewormed, and the flock was tested in 2021 as Johnes negative.
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Kimdain Sheep Farm is located just outside Regina, SK. It is a multi-species farm that is family owned & operated by Kim & Diane MacDougall. Our focus is on developing structurally sound animals that are versatile, prolific and have maternal instincts that make great ewes. All sheep in the sale of Kimdain Sheep have received both doses of Covexin Plus and been dewormed with Valbazen.
The Govan Ranch is owned and operated by Matt, Amber, Paige and Jordyn of Englefeld, SK. We raise Registered Canadian Arcotts & Ile de France. Our goals are to produce animals that grow fast with excellent confirmation, but also have the maternal instincts to make great ewes. We pride ourselves on Biosecurity and having a clean flock. We test for CL, Maedi Visna and Johnes. Any animal that leaves our farm has a guarantee that can't be beaten!
Double L Farms is a family farm operation consisting of Lester, Laura, and Royce Lodoen.
It is located in Southwest Saskatchewan just outside Fox Valley. The family lambs out 100 Registered Purebred Texel and North Country Cheviot ewes, and Registered Percentage Texels along with 350 commercial ewes. They also raise cattle along with Grain and Hay farming. The genetics used consist of UK lines gained from Artificial Insemination and importing genetics to keep new lines available. All Double L Farms sheep in the sale have been vaccinated twice with Covexin Plus and dewormed with Safeguard.
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MacKid's Sheep is located just outside of Regina, SK and is owned and operated by Courtney & Peter MacDougall.We raise purebred North Country Cheviot's and commercial sheep. In 1992, the adventure of MacKid's Sheep began as the MacDougall siblings Paul, Mariann, Courtney & Peter bought their first 6 purebred North Country Cheviot ewes. Over the past 29 years, while our flock has grown and company logistics have changed, our focus has always remained on raising versatile, prolific and maternal purebred sheep that hold true to traditional Cheviot breed characteristics. All sheep in the sale of MacKid's Sheep have received both doses of Covexin Plus and been dewormed with Valbazen.
Daniel, Pamela, Eli and Abby Bartlett own BB Farms at Glen Ewen, Saskatchewan. We started with commercial sheep in 2017 and switched to Purebred Canadian Arcotts fully by 2019. Eli & Abby are both active members in 4-H. We are active in the sheep industry, trying to better ourselves and have the best quality sheep. We strongly believe that a good foundation and breeding program improves the sheep industry as a whole. We are genovis enrolled, scrapie genotyping, our flock is clean from Johnes and Maedi Visna and we have a strong flock health and vaccination program. All rams are guaranteed to be semen tested.
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At every event, we have a fundraising auction to raise money for our scholarship fund.
This year, as our Grasslands Sale will be held on DLMS Farm Gate Auctions, we want to continue to raise funds for our Scholarship Fund.
We are looking for 5 or so donations to add as individual lots on our Online Grasslands Sale.
The consignor and purchaser will be responsible for working out the delivery options.
The SSBA will be able to provide In-Kind Donation receipts if requested.
To learn more about this scholarship fund - please visit
If you are interested in donating an item or items please e-mail with the lot details and a picture if available.
This is an excellent opportunity for farms or businesses an advertising opportunity!
Please feel free to share!
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For Sellers and Buyers - Please see terms and conditions
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